About Us

The Hockey Association for the Developmentally Challenged (HADC) Gladiators Hockey Club Participants will be able to develop their coordination skills, strength and endurance. In addition, they will learn about sportsmanship, fair play and cooperation, as well as enjoy the camaraderie that playing on a team offers. Our coaches and volunteers work hard to meet the needs of all athletes, whether it is teaching them to skate, or challenging them with drills and advanced techniques.

Our hockey program is:

  • Provided by experienced educators/coaches
  • Supported by Hockey Canada Centre of Excellence
  • Skill development, team play and cooperation are always stressed

And, our #1 Rule is … Have Fun!

We are a federally registered charity (No. 890484561RR0001) with no funding support, and are therefore dependent on our fundraising efforts to keep our athletes on the ice!

Our home arena is the Gord and Irene Risk Community Centre Arena located at 2650 Finch Ave. West in North York (Toronto), Ontario.

We like to play together, and party together!  During our hockey season, our athletes are kept busy with practices, home games and away games with our fellow league teams.  And through our social program, we celebrate special events like Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s, and enjoy get-togethers throughout the season.  As well, we work together to make our fundraising program a success!

Our hockey club is a member of Special Hockey International (SHI) along with 46 member clubs from Canada, USA, England and Europe.  Each year, SHI brings us all together in a different city for a 4-day tournament to play hockey and enjoy all the benefits that an international tournament provides.  The Annual SHI Tournament is a highlight of our season!

If you require any further information about our program, please contact us at:

Call:     416-250-5333
Email:  hadcgladiators@gmail.com
Write:  HADC Gladiators Hockey Club,
            PO Box 30043, Thornhill RPO,
            New Westminster, ON  L4J 0C6